Latest tutorials program updated!!

The latest Tutorial program was uploaded on August 12, please check and choose the favorite one you prefer to register. Click here to register.

For those who already registered, you listen any of the tutorials on the list if the tutorial you chose has been canceled, or ask the refund to LOC.

MedInfo2017 Tutorial Program

vers 4.0(2017-08-12)
Date Time Activity/Event Room
21-Aug 08.30-12.30 Tutorial 723. Model-Based Therapeutic Decision Support
Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, Mario Cypko, Jan Gaebel

Tutorial 692Iterative Usability Evaluation through the Lifecycle of Information Systems Development
Lin Wang

12.00-13.00 Lunch Lunch Area
13.00-17.30 Tutorial 682. Patient-Centered Fall Prevention in Hospitals: Building a Program of Excellence
Patricia Dykes, I-Ching Hou, Yingjuan Cao

Tutorial 741. Introduction to LOINC, the global vocabulary for tests, measurements, and observations in healthcare
Daniel Vreeman

Tutorial 727. Causal Feature Selection and its Applications in Biomedical and Health Data Science
Sisi Ma, Alexander Stanikov, Lin Liu, Constantin Aliferis

22-Aug 09.00-12.00 Tutorial 709. Deep Learning for Health Informatics
Fei Wang
12.00-13.00 Lunch Lunch Area
13.00-16.00 Tutorial 740. Fundamentals of NLP Scalability and Optimization
Thomas Ginter, Patrick Alba, Olga Patterson, Scott DuVall

Tutorial 679. Smart Data with SNOMED CT
Mike Bainbridge

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